Fallout 3 goty edition xbox 360
Fallout 3 goty edition xbox 360

Perhaps what makes this game a classic is how your choices impact your trajectory in the game. "Fallout: New Vegas" can provide a grand adventure on the Xbox 360 and allow players to create and develop their own character, learn additional skills, and make alliances and enemies. Gun Runners' Arsenal adds weapons, weapon mods, and ammo types while Courier's Stash adds all pre-order content into the gameplay, including the Caravan Pack, Classic Pack, Mercenary Pack, and Tribal Pack. Lonesome Road fleshes out the story of Ulysses, an NPC met early in the game. Honest Hearts DLC expands the wasteland with Utah's Zion National Park, and the Old War Blues pack tackles old world scientific research. The Dead Money add on pits the player against an ex-Brotherhood of Steel commander. Obsidian continued to support New Vegas with patches and five notable instances of paid downloadable content, or DLC. Support of "Fallout: New Vegas" for the Xbox 360 and other systems didn't end with its original release. Touching on more adult related themes, this game has a rating of M for Mature, which warns that players may encounter violence, drug use, and sexual situations. Players are encouraged to explore, solve mysteries, and survive in the environment. Gunplay is featured, but there's much more to this than an FPS gaming experience. You can forge alliances, unlock secrets, complete numerous side missions, locate the package that was stolen from you, and ultimately take control of the city. In this action packed shooter, you guide the courier on the road to New Vegas in search of the criminal who attempted to end your life. Beaten, broken, and left for dead, the protagonist ventures forward and must fend off a wealth of enemies including some of the fiercest monsters in the Fallout series. The story opens with this intrepid protagonist being ambushed while transporting a mysterious package across the desert to the post apocalyptic wasteland of New Vegas. In this edition, you explore vast terrains as Courier 6. The post war Mojave Desert is a lethal place, and if the raiders and monsters don't remind you of that, the cinematic music certainly will.

#Fallout 3 goty edition xbox 360 series#

The entire Fallout series of video games is based on 1950s retro futurism, and the "New Vegas" game is no different although there is more focus on the current state of affairs than the world being destroyed by nuclear war. Obsidian has a reputation for intricate RPG systems and deep storytelling, and those aspects set this game apart from "Fallout 3." The release date of the ultimate edition of this Xbox game was February 7, 2012. Rather than develop "Fallout: New Vegas," Bethesda Softworks contracted Obsidian Entertainment to create it. This video game delivers its own story and sense of player agency. This video game for the Xbox 360 console is somewhat unusual as a sequel for this industry because while it exists in the same world, it is not directly linked to the main Fallout story line. "Fallout: New Vegas" for the Xbox 360 is a spiritual sequel to the critically acclaimed "Fallout 3" by Bethesda.

Fallout 3 goty edition xbox 360